Saturday, August 18, 2012

Oz 0.9.0 release

I'm pleased to announce release 0.9.0 of Oz. Oz is a program for doing automated installation of guest operating systems with limited input from the user.  Release 0.9.0 is a (long overdue) bugfix and feature release for Oz. Some of the highlights between Oz 0.8.0 and 0.9.0 are:
  • Easier to create Debian/Ubuntu packages
  • Ability to specify the disk size in the TDL
  • Ability to specify the number of CPUs and amount of memory used for the installation VM
  • Cleanup and bugfixes to oz-cleanup-cache
  • Ability to install Fedora-17 disk images
  • Ability to install guests as a non-root user.  This has several caveats; please see the documentation on for more information
  • Ability to install RHEL-6.3 disk images
  • Ability to install ScientificLinuxCERN disk images
  • Ability to install Mandrake 8.2 disk images
  • Ability to install OpenSUSE 10.3 disk images
  • Ability to install Ubuntu 12.04 disk images
A tarball of this release is available, as well as packages for Fedora-16. Instructions on how to get and use Oz are available at .

If you have any questions or comments about Oz, please feel free to contact or me ( directly.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release through bug reports, patches, and suggestions for improvement.


  1. Yet another Packagekit? What does it solve that previous solutions did not?

  2. It's not really comparable to PackageKit. As far as I know, PackageKit is used to manage packages on a running system. Oz is used to create disk images of operating systems from scratch. Essentially it is an automated way to run the operating system installation program (anaconda for RedHat/Fedora, AutoYAST for SUSE, Ubiquity for Ubuntu, etc).

    It originally came out of the work I was doing testing KVM guests. I found myself installing guests over and over again, so I wrote up scripts to automate that process which eventually grew into Oz.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Option in the tdl file about disk size is not work:

    ~]# cat centos-fromrepo.tdl
    <template version="1.0">
    <description>CentOS 6.3</description>
    <install type='url'>
    <package name='openssh-server'/>
    <package name='openssh-clients'/>

    ~]# oz-install -d 4 centos-fromrepo.tdl
    INFO:oz.Guest.RHEL6Guest:Generating 10GB diskimage for CentOS-6.3-x86_64-from_Repo-short0

    Tested on versions 0.9.0-1.el6 and on from CentOS and on 0.10.0 from github.

    1. Excuse me!
      I found my error:
      Shoud be:
      <template version="1.0">

      <template version="1.0">

      Path to <size> - tamplate/disk/size (Look to oz/

  5. Is there a Freenode IRC channel for this tool? And is there an example of iso referring to file on the local system?

    The 'make rpm' has not worked on Ubuntu for me. And the documentation has been limited.


    1. Sorry, I don't really hang out on IRC too much anymore. There are some examples in the man page about how to use files from the local filesystems; the basic gist is to use file:///path/to/iso in the element.

      On Ubuntu, "make deb" should build a debian package. I'll update the documentation to mention this.

      As far as documentation in general, I try to provide documentation but I don't always succeed. The documentation lives here: . If there are any particular problems you have with the documentation, feel free to either update it yourself or open an issue for me to update:
